Ølen Betong - hjem

Ethics in Ølen Betong

Code of Conduct

The norwegian government and society demands that all Norwegian companies and companies operating on Norwegian soil has strict rules and guidlines regarding both internal and external attitudes towards etichs and anti-corruption.

To have this described and incorporated in our policy has become increasingly important when delivering to the public sectors.

Ølen Betong is a modern business working across cultures and boarders. It is therefore important that the company has clear etichal guidelines regarding ethics both internal and external.


Ølen Betong is against all sorts of corruption and our business is based on rules according to Norwegian laws at all times. We have clear rules for our employees and we will at no point accept any forms of corruption or bribary.

Employment policy and ethics

Our personell policy is be based on rules and regulation defined in the rules of employment according to Norwegian law.

Videre skal vår personalpolitikk ha en naturlig forankring i et verdigrunnlag som legges til grunn for våre handlinger og beslutninger med særlig vektlegging av: