Culvert Subpassage for heavy loads
Ølen Betong is no manufacturing a specially designed subpassage culvert for the AF building project: Rv. 13 Solbakk tunnel, whichshall withstand as much as 40 tons axle load.
Publisert: 12.12.2013
Ølen Betong is manufacturing a specially designed subpassage culvert for the AF building project: Rv. 13 Solbakk tunnel in Rogaland, which shall withstand as much as 40 tons axle load.

The precast concrete units loaded and ready for transport
The construction company AF Gruppen, was on the 25th of June 2013 awarded the contract for the 'Rv13 project and the E03 Solbakk tunnel.' This subsea tunnel shall connect Strand Municipality together with the town Stavanger via Hundvåg.
In connection with the tunnelling work huge amounts of rock are to be transported out of the tunnel and on to a barge for further shipping to a location for appropriate reuse. Transportation of huge amounts of rock will be carried out with a large vehicle that is not allowed on ordinary roads. Therefore, the establishment of a temporary service road has to be done. This service road is established to safeguard safety of the project and the subpassage culvert must be constructed to withstand axle loads up to 40 tons.
-Fully assembled this culvert has an inside width of 3 meters, internal height of 2.9 meters and will be a total of 28 meters long, said division manager Gudmund Thomassen at Olen Betong.
-The co-workers in the production hall at 'Ølen Betong' perform this task in an excellent way, he says. -The sections for the precast concrete culvert will be delivered progressively throughout December.